Monday, November 3, 2008

Laptops are here/Blogging

McFarlane's "Laptops Are Coming!" article reinforces what the high school is going through. It's
not fun having to deal with "discipline" issues in regards to students' usage of their laptops. The idea was wonderful at the time, but in reality, we are faced with "new" problems that we have no answers for. McFarlane's article made me realize that we had no definite plan as to how we would implement the laptop project. The irony is that our students are "learning" but not the stuff we "teach" them. Our situation is a management issue-moreso because teachers tend to have their own expectations as to how the laptops should be used. Another is that our ELL students are learning to write in English- but not necessarily to speak it "correctly". I'm continually harping to students that their laptops are "tools, not toys!". But what do I mean? MaFarlane made me realize that. I think I need to document what the expectations should be like curriculum's do. Blogging? If our kids write the way they do when using First Class, I'm not too thrilled in implementing blogging to them. Again-if I were to implement it, then I would have to have a set of standards or expectations if students are to use it to learn the English language "properly, appropriately'. In addition, the blogs I've glimpsed at (ie, have been opinions that are somewhat out of line. Laptops and blogging-great ideas, but now I'm cautious. My experience hasn't been that positive. I think I just need to remove myself from the this situation and reevaluate what needs to be improved so the benefits can be aplenty!

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